Saturday, April 12, 2014

Posters for the One Page Dungeon Contest 2014

These are two posters that I made for the One Page Dungeon Contest 2014. The deadline is the 30th of this month (April) so there is still plenty of time to submit an entry.

I have participated for the last three years with Mundi (Random Wizard), but this year he is running the contest so it doesn't feel "above board" for me to enter. I wish I could because the prizes are fantastic! Check out the submission guidlines and even download all of the submissions since the contest began in 2009 at the official contest site:

Sponsors and Prizes:

Troll Lord Games  tba
Precis Intermedia  Disposable Tilescapes  Disposable Heroes
Goodman Games  tba
Wayne's Books  Adventures in Fantasy box set signed by Dave Arneson
Engine Publishing  Odyssey  Session Prep  Masks  Eureka
Rogue Games  Shadow Sword & Spell Basic and Expert
Sine Nomine Publishing  Red Tide Campaign Setting
Pinnacle Entertainment  Murder in the Magasin Rouge
Pelgrane Press  13th Age Core Rules  Eyes of the Stone Thief
ProFantasy Software  Campaign Cartographer
GygaxMagazine Adventure gets published in issue 5
Steve Jackson Games  Mirror of the Fire Demon  Underground Adventures  GURPS Fantasy  Cardboard Heroes 01
Autarch  Adventurer, Conqueror, King  Player's Companion
Hex Games  Hobomancer and Hobomancer Companion
Rogue Genius Games  Monster Menagerie Kingdom of Graves  The Genius Guide to the Talented Fighter
Goblinoid Games  Labyrinth Lord  Mutant Future  Starship & Spacemen
Eric Harshbarger  GoFirst Dice Set
Paizo  Pathfinder Core Rules

Anonymous  $500 Paypal

The judges are pretty fantastic too:


Ernie Gygax (the Hobby Shop Dungeon)
Steve Winter (Howling Tower)
Brendan S (Necropraxis)
Martin Thomas (Daddy Rolled A 1)
Daniel "Delta" Collins (Deltas DnD Hotspot)
Sean K Reynolds (

Friday, April 11, 2014

One Page Dungeon Shamble...Play as Zombies!

I started working on this around the same time as the One Page Dungeon Crawl, but put in on the back burner while i whipped up the cutout characters for Drinking Buddies. I have chosen five one page dungeons again, but this time around the theme of undead. The party will begin the adventure dead. This makes it perfectly suited for an antidote to the TPK.  If the characters are still alive, there is a simple table with options for killing them off!

The party will have to rush through five adventures to find a way to reverse their undead condition before they literally fall to pieces.

You can get it for free over at RPGNow.

Friday, April 4, 2014

One Page Dungeon Crawl banners that were probably never seen.

These are some banners I made for the One Page Dungeon Crawl
Unfortunately, the way that RPGNow handles banners, the likelihood of them ever being seen by a human being is fairly low.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Rocket Knights and Blink Weasels?

chainsaw naga cartoon: a snake man with a chainsaw tail, with both hands missing and bandaged.
My interpretation of Roberts'
"Chainsaw Naga".
When Mundi and I started thinking about putting together a small group of "one page dungeons (OPD)", we had a few things in mind. The first was to find past submissions that were bound together by a specific theme. There are lots of themes (Demons, tentacled otherworldly threats, undead, etc,) but we decided to go with adventures that featured pubs or taverns. The idea being that what would become the "One Page Dungeon Crawl" would be just that, a "pub crawl" from one adventure to the next.

We also wanted to avoid mixing genres and use only submissions from the previous year's contest.
While Caelum Roberts did submit his dungeon The Iron Cloud in 2013 (and was a winner by the way, good show!), it did not meet the other criteria we were looking for.

So then why did it end up in the "The Crawl"?
Because it is damned funny, that's why.

I honestly didn't realize how funny it was until I was crawling through it finding monsters and characters to turn into paper miniatures. Even then, I missed the blink weasels, and had to add them at the end of Drinking Buddies (because I was too tired to shift everything around after drawing for two days straight).

There is a lot to like about this one page dungeon. It looks good from the maps and illustrations right down to the font and layout. The characters and situations described are really clever, from Kragofax the dragonbot to the "chainsaw naga".

The Iron Cloud was definitely influential in creating the story to connect the adventures together.
Even if you didn't get the One Page Dungeon Crawl, you should download this adventure and play it. It would work great as a one shot, but with a little genre-bending and work, you can fit it into your existing campaign. Just figure out ahead of time how you will handle the characters getting laser maces and a 4wd van.